We're Glad You're Here

Welcome to DMR For Dummies! Don’t feel bad. Our name is NOT intended to be derogatory in anyway, but it’s a reality for all of us when we first pick up a DMR radio. The transition from an analog state-of-mind for all hams is kind of a stretch. It sure was for us. So we decided to do something about it. At D4D, you’ll find many tips and tricks to help you get started.

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Radio Reviews

Want a no-nonsense review of DMR radios? We do our best to show you just want you’ll be getting and how to use it.


DMR Radio ID

Learn about what a Radio ID is and where you get one for FREE.

DMR Talkgroups

Everything you wanted to know about talkgroups and how to use them.

DMR Radios

We provide you lots of great information on the DMR portables and mobiles being used for ham radio.

DMR Repeaters

We cover the details of the most common manufacturers who produce DMR repeaters.

Brandmeister Network

The defacto DMR network for PTT talkgroup activation. Learn all the ins and outs of how Brandmeister works.

DMR-MARC Network

Learn about the c-Bridge Network, DMR-MARC, DMR Plus and the repeaters that are using it.


FCC License Fee Increase April 19, 2022

Well... the time has come. Effective April 19, 2022 the FCC will re-instate amateur radio license fees and increase them to $35. This fee applies to everything except upgrades and name and address changes. New, vanity etc will all see this fee. There are NO refunds...

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Anytone Lovers, This is For You

If you are an Anytone geek, here are TWO great resources for Tips, Tricks and Mods. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! AT-D578UV 868/878/878-II There's TONS of information behind these links. Good luck!

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All New Brandmeister Hoseline

Old news for some, new news for everyone else... Hoseline has been updated and is working like a CHAMP! If you haven't had a chance to test it out, you should go now Hoseline We've tested on numerous OS and browsers and haven't experienced any issues. Enjoy!

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Buy An Affordable DMR Radio Today!